Lord Robert Baden-Powell's Letter to a Patrol Leader
What I have often told to gatherings of Patrol Leaders, I repeat now to you who read this; namely, that you have great power to do good or to do harm to the Scouts placed under your charge. It largely depends on your character and your example to them which way they go.
There are three steps you should take:
First, win your boys by making yourself their friend and helper.
Secondly, influence them by your example in conduct and in doing things.
Thirdly, control them with your good sense and by keeping them to the teaching of the Scout Law.
Your key to success is to thoroughly understand the inner meaning of the Scout Law, to carry it out in all that you do and thereby to give the lead to your boys.
Troop Meeting Plan Resources
The BSA has made it's Troop Meeting Plans books available in .pdf format! These books are GREAT resources for the PLC to use in planning troop meetings, & campouts! Use them
to brainstorm, to plan meetings, to learn skills - whatever you want!
The books are organized as follows:
Troop Program Features Vol. I - III

Volume I covers the following program features:
- Aquatics
- Athletics
- Backpacking
- Boating/Canoeing
- Business
- Camping
- Citizenship
- Communications
- Cooking
- Cultural Awareness
- Emergency Preparedness
- Engineering
Volume II
- Environment
- First Aid
- Fishing
- Forestry
- Health Care
- High Adventure
- Hiking Special
- Hobbies Sports
- Leadership
- Mechanics
- Nature
- Orienteering
Volume III covers the following program features:
Physical Fitness
Public Service
- Safety
- Science
- Shooting
- Cooking
- Tracking
- Wilderness Survival
- Wildlife Management
- Winter Camping